Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Age of Worry

Know your fight is not with them
Yours is with your time here
Dream your dreams but don't pretend
Make friends with what you are
I've been living for 17 years in this world and by 17 it actually means transition phase,  from a labile teenager into a young-adult. I'm in the age of worry. When you find yourself not good enough. Over-thinking almost everything.

Most people said the age of worry starts when you are in the mid-late 20's or something. It's not that I'm in the middle of everything, choosing the fittest pathways over the other thousands that will lead me to dissatisfaction, to the wrong place that I can't comeback. Like thinking about who will be the mother of my kids in the future neither thinking about how many kids I will have. But I feel like I really am, I'm in the middle of everything, always thinking what will I be in the future? Will I be useful or living useless, unemployed? Will people remember me because of my invention or my bad reputation?

Well choosing what you will be majoring in University is something that worries me. Especially when you feel like you like everything but something forced you to choose one. One that will stick to you eternally. One that will  be the start of everything new, alien things, strange things that you've never faced or experienced before.

But by saying you're in your age of worry doesn't mean that you will live with worries for your entire life. When worry comes, overcome it. toughness is relative, it depends on ourselvrs. Reestablish your mindset, set for the new one, that will satisfy you, one that will keep you away from worries, enjoy your life, do what makes you feel happier than others, savor every little things in your life even the invisible one, because you only live once.  Alive in the age of worry. Smile in the age of worry. Go wild in the age of worry and say, "Worry, why should I care?"..Rage in the age of worry. Act your age in the age of worry........
........and say, "Worry, get out of here!"

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