Sunday, September 22, 2013

Time Traveler

London on 70s
Call me lunatic. Call me insane. But......
If a genie could grant a wish, I'd beg to ask to come to London on 70s.
If there's anyone who could invent a time traveler. I'd love to spend my money on it to come back to London on 70s.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Beasiswa S1 Pemerintah Turki (Turkiye Burslari) 2015/2016

Credit to Tanju for the correction

Pertama, saya ingin mengucapkan selamat kepada teman - teman, karena dengan berniat membaca post ini berarti teman - teman sekalian sudah memiliki keinginan yang kuat terhadap apa yang ingin dicapai ke depannya. Kebetulan ini juga post pertama saya yang menggunakan Bahasa dan saya sangat berharap sekali kalau post ini nantinya bisa membantu teman - teman dalam meraih mimpinya. Sekali lagi saya juga berharap setelah membaca post ini membuat semangat teman - teman menjadi lebih berkobar daripada sebelumnya.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Why Turkiye?

"Kok Turki Ries? Nggak Amerika atau negara adidaya lainnya?" "Turki, negara yang sering demo itu ya?" "UInya dilepas?" "Turki? Bahasanya Arab - Arab gitu bukan sih?" "Wah, Turkiiiii aku juga mau kesana" "Turki? Di mana sih lokasinya? Yang wilayah Timur Tengah gitu?" "Memangnya ada apaan di Turki?"

"Why Turkey? Why not America or the other superpower countries?" "Turkey. isn't it the country where demonstration occured frequently?" "Do you resign from UI(University of Indonesia)?" "Turkey? The country which use Arabic language as its native language, isn't it?" "Turkey? Where is that? Isn't it located in Middle Eastern?" "What's in Turkey?"

Saturday, September 14, 2013

11:53 Post Meridiem

We often see things in a wrong way that we mistook uncountable amount of things. We sometimes run passionately fast that we forget where the start line was. We do feel the moment where insecurities sip trough our blood. We also live in disappointments so long and rarely recognize the good things that occur around us. Well it's 11:53 PM and I'm still waiting for something undefined, something that I thought it will change my whole life. Living in insecurities and regret has been my daily routine in this month. I'm easily disappointed by things, in fact I'm not a perfectionist but I always expect things to be flawless all the time. I miss writing long post, I really got so much thing on my head that I couldn't arrange it into a sentence, a perfect sentence technically. So, enjoy your life and here's a picture of cute kitten that 16 days ago was freshly delivered from it's mother's womb to make you smile.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Not A One-Word-Titled Post

I still woke up like usual. At 5 in the morning, when there were only my parents and my little brother, asking me that he wanted to play Ragnarok. The rain poured down in the dawn in this last three days. The temperature is 19 degree celcius, I guess. I decided not to go to campus this week, well, you may think it's because the assignments, quizzes, mabim* and whatsoever. I could say thay you are right but you're not 100percently right, it's not really the reason. The quizzes and assignments may scare me, but no, I have got used to it. Those are what I'm living with. I'm just afraid that I'll get attached to what I'm living for right now, so tight that I can't get enough of.